Fix Fonts in macOS


There is a known compatibility issue with system fonts in macOS and fonts added by some college-issued software. This issue periodically, often after a macOS software update, displays most characters are empty boxes. This can be resolved temporarily by using the Fix Fonts utility in the PC Self Service application.



  1. Save and close any open documents and applications as this fix will automatically force a restart of your computer.
  2. Open the PC Self Service application on your computer.
  3. Navigate to the Utilities & Maintenance section in the left sidebar.
  4. Run the Fix Fonts utility.
  5. Your computer will automatically restart as part of the process. When it comes back up, the issue should be resolved.

Note: This issue may reappear after running software updates. Software updates include important macOS software upgrades and security patches. Continue to run these software updates when prompted. If you have issues with your fonts after the software update, run the Fix Fonts utility again.

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Article ID: 3881
Fri 3/4/22 1:21 PM
Tue 1/16/24 3:08 PM