Print Using PC Prints



PC Prints is a print release system put in place as part of the College’s green initiatives. It allows students to print to public printers via computers in labs and clusters on campus, students’ personally owned computers, and mobile devices. When you print to the PC Prints printer that is on your computer, your print job will be held in a queue on the server. You can then release your print job at any PC Prints printer. Web Print is a feature of PC Prints that allows users to upload and manage their print jobs via the web.



Using Printer Drivers

  1. If you do not have the PC Prints drivers installed on your computer, click here for instructions on how to download and install the drivers.
  2. Open the page, image, or file you want to print.
  3. Click File, then click Print. (Please note different software may have a different user interface regarding the location of the print button and print options. This is an example from Microsoft Word.)
  4. Change your preferred print settings.
  5. Change the printer destination to PC Prints.
  6. Click Print to send your document to the printer.
  7. If prompted for credentials, enter your NetID (the first part of your email address) and network password.
  8. At your desired printer, tap your ID card or scan the QR code and you will see your print queue.
  9. Select the documents you wish to print and tap Print.


Using Web Print

Note that print settings are more limited with Web Print than if using the drivers. Chromebooks (except those managed by PC) are not able to install the PC Prints drivers, so they can only print using Web Print.

  1. Go to and click Sign in with Microsoft. Enter your PC email address and password.
  2. From the left navigation menu, click Web Print.
  3. Click Submit a job.
  4. Select the number of copies, then click Upload Document.
  5. Upload your file(s) from your computer, then click Upload & Complete.
  6. At your desired printer, tap your ID card or scan the QR code and you will see your print queue.
  7. Select the documents you wish to print and tap Print.


Release Print Job with QR Code

  1. Once your print job has been sent to the printer via PC Prints drivers or Web Print (see above instructions), go to the PC Prints printer you wish to release it at.
  2. Scan the QR code using the camera on your mobile device, then tap the URL that appears.
  3. Sign in with your NetID and network password.
  4. Select the jobs you want, then tap Release.



Make sure your device is connected to the PC-Secure network before priting. 

If the printer is unable to read your ID card, you can get a replacement at the Card Office.  

When printing on a mac, if you get the error “Hold for Authentication”, your credentials were not input correctly. Click the refresh icon next to the right of the print job and re-enter your PC credentials (NetID and network password).

If you do not see your document in the printer’s queue, make sure you sent it to the correct printer "PC Prints" and you have entered your credentials correctly.

If your PDF document only printed the first page, download the document to your computer and open in Adobe. 

If you would like to be refunded for a failed print, go to the PC Prints website, find the failed print under Recent Print Jobs, and click "request refund".

To access on a mobile device, sign in, then select Desktop mode to view all the features.

Chromebooks are not able to install and use the PC Prints drivers (unless the device is managed by PC). Chromebook users must use Web Print or print from a computer lab on campus.

Tap your ID card on this icon at a printer:   



Article ID: 12342
Tue 2/21/23 3:28 PM
Tue 1/7/25 8:33 AM